Last week was an incredible blessing in out little neck of the woods Not only did my husband and I celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary, but we welcomed 2 amazing girls into our family when his Brother got married. I can now say I have a niece and a sister(in-law, but being an only child, I’d really just like to say sister
) We are so so so happy for the three of them and feel lucky to have them in our lives!!! Listen to me getting all sappy…
I had fun taking some shots before during and after the beautiful beach wedding. My little man was the ring bearer (I will share those photos tomorrow). Naturally, their daughter was the flower girl. And she was a beautiful flower girl. See…..
Archive: ‘Sneak Peeks’
Isn’t she lovely {Sarasota Children’s Portraits}
Wednesday, May 5th, 2010Sneak Peek {Sarasota family photographer}
Sunday, March 28th, 2010Last week was busy, busy for me! It is really springy here, and the weather has been beautiful! If you know me at all though, you know that we (hub’s and I) loved the cold winter that we had. I think it must be in our blood to be north a bit. Not too far north though We are enjoying this weather for what it is because before we know it it will be all out summer…until November.
I had the best time photographing this fun family! I think Dad has had his fill of photo session for the next 3 years, but we all had fun! The location could not have been more beautiful. If you have never been to Selby Garden’s you must check it out. Amazing.
I hope you enjoy your sneak peek B Family! And I really hope it isn’t 3 years before we do it again!!
Why. {Bradenton Childrens Photographer}
Friday, March 5th, 2010I am working on putting together my portfolio of images, among a lot of other back end business building stuff. Not as much shooting as I’d like to be doing, but I know this stuff has to be done. But in the process of choosing some of my favorite shots from my past sessions I am reminded of why I want to do this. I am reminded of what I love about capturing and creating images. And through this, I think it’s plain to see what my passion in photography is. Children. Look, I’ll show you.
(many if not all of these images will be gracing my portfolio page when I can decide on a format I love and quit changing my mind!)
The Emotions. {The pleasure of being a parent, the innocence and joy of being a child}
The Moments. {The small moments that say so much}
The Details. {The ever fleeting details of who they are, RIGHT NOW. My favorite kind to capture.}